Статистика на R
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- Logan, M., 2011. Biostatistical design and analysis using R: a
practical guide. Wiley
- Maindonald, J., Braun, J., 2006. Data Analysis and Graphies Using R:
An Example-based Approach (Cambridge Series in Statistical and
Probabilistic Mathematics). Cambridge University Press.
- Teetor, P., 2011. R cookbook. O’Reilly.
- Zuur, A., Ieno, E.N. and Smith, G.M., 2007. Analyzing
ecological data. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Гланц, С., 1998. Медико-биологическая статистика. М., Практика.
- Quinn, G.G.P., Keough, M.J., 2002. Experimental design and
data analysis for biologists. Cambridge University Press.
- Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J., 1995. Biometry (3rd edn). WH Freman and
company: New York.
- Zar, J.H., 2010. Biostatistical Analysis. Prentice Hall: New
- Zuur, A., Ieno, E.N. and Smith, G.M., 2007. Analyzing
ecological data. Springer Science & Business Media.